The cybernetic elements are an important part of my personal artistic practice; I’m seeking to create distorted collisions that thereafter become new pathways.

Michel de Montaigne’s essay “Of Experience (Chapther VIII)” goes through my work as a condensed system which refers to gestures, intonations and modulation of a syntax I’m intending to develop. I have engaged with mind machines and neurofeedback systems. These devices are cybernetic systems that guide you towards a mental goal through feedback and synchronization. Creating my own sculptures translates the aforementioned devices in a systematic monologist approach that tries to transform, reconstruct or simply for the sculptures to be read in a different way.

In the cybernetic methodology the symptom, the ideology, the super structure, or any given equivalent metastatement is a ‘mapping’ or ‘transform’ of some other proposition or communication.

All information without context is becoming noise. Montaigne wrote down in Of Experience the follwing:

I, who boast of embracing the pleasures of life so assiduously and so particularly, find in them, when I look at them thus minutely, virtually nothing but wind. But what of it? WE ARE ALL WIND. And even the wind, more wisely than we, loves to make noise and move about and is content with its own functions, without desiring stability and solidity, qualities that do not belong to it.

As communication, behaviour implies an information-processing network in which the messages, borne by energy, pass along mediated channels disturbed by noise.